Sunday, February 14, 2010

Home for 4 weeks

Adalyn hangin out with her "passy"

Sorry for the lack of updates! For our family the word "busy" has taken on a new meaning. Abi and I are finally adjusting to the 3 night time feedings (I think) and the girls are doing great. We each have our days home alone watching the girls and between changing diapers, feeding and then holding for 20-30 minutes because of their reflux, then washing bottles and mixing breast milk with formula and thickener, it is time to start the process all over again leaving little time to get anything else done. We do have tons of help from family and friends to lighten the load but life has definitely been a blur lately. Both girls continue to sleep great but they both are awake for about 3-6 hours each day. Sometimes it is at night but it is mostly during the day. We have some cool mirrors that stand up by themselves and we place them in front of the girls and they love to look at them. Both girls have rolled over twice and continue to have better control with their head movements.

Emma looking in her mirror(If you click on the picture you can see a larger image.)

We continue to thicken their food and it does help a lot but their weight gain has been a little less than Dr. G wants so on Monday Abi will explore some other options with him so they can get the calories that they need.(Thickening the formula and mixing it with the breast milk lowers the calories significantly.) The eye doctor visit went great last week and both of the girls eyes continue to heal. Adalyn's eyes are mature on the nasal side and are almost mature on the outside. Emma's eyes are almost mature on the nasal side and are almost only a stage 1 ROP on the outside. They are doing so good that the doctor said he only needs to see them every 2 weeks instead of every week.

Adalyn weighs 6lbs 9oz, she is 18-5/8" long, and her head measured 35.5cm. Emma weighs 5lbs 12.5oz, she is 18-3/4" long, and her head measured 34cm.

Please continue to pray that GOD heals their reflux, continues to protect them from infection and sickness, and helps them gain the appropriate weight. Praise His name that their eyes are healing and developing, that they are at least gaining weight, and that they are such good happy babies.


  1. Loving the pictures and thank you for finding the time to write on the blog. It is great to be able to see and live life with you this way!
    Happy Valentine's Day to the four of you! I know there is a lot of love flowing in the Lamar home today!!!

  2. What an adorable picture....So glad that all continues to go well for all of you. Hard to imagine them rolling over when they are so little. They will be crawling before you know it and then the fun really begins. :) Sending love and prayers your way....Faith Hope and Love...Janice H.
