Friday, March 5, 2010

Caught On Tape

We finally were able to catch some video of one of the girls rolling over. (Adalyn) Enjoy!!!


  1. Wow..way to go!! She seems so little to be rolling over already, but have to remind myself the girls are just tiny for their age, but they sure have grown and are so beautiful. Thanks for posting pictures so those of us out here in SD can see your sweeties...Take care and prayers continue for all of you. Faith, Hope and Love......Janice H.

  2. Seems like she loves her tummy time! Keep it up though! Amazing that she is rolling already. She (they) are getting SO cute! Can't wait to meet them one day.

  3. That is so cool! Rochelle and I are followers of your blog and continue to pray for your family. There is a chance that we might be able to start taking babies home as soon as next weekend depending on how their bottle feedings go in the next little while! I know that we do have some "Brown" bottles but I am thinking we might not have enough, so if you have extra and would like to get rid of a few we would love to borrow, buy, receive, or whaterver from you. We hope all goes well and continues to go well, its amazing what little gifts God has blessed our families with:)
    Ryan & Rochelle Genzink

  4. I'm pretty sure she's cussing in baby language! So cute. My kids despised tummy time too, but hey no flat heads!!
