Tuesday, February 2, 2010

38 weeks

Emma(left) Adalyn(right)

Right now I am purring like a kitten. As I type this blog on my blackberry Emma & Adalyn are lying on my chest. I am feeling a bit nostalgic since today was the day the twinners were supposed to be born (if I did not have the twins by 38 weeks I was going to be induced today or have a c-section). We all know how often things actually happen as they are supposed to, but still I can't help but ponder what things would have been like if I had made it to 38 weeks. One thing I am sure of, I would be huge! These girls occupy a lot of space on my chest and if they were inside we would still have 2 placentas and all their amniotic fluid as well. I think it is safe to say I would be GIGANTIC! Yes making it to today would have been a much better way for the girls to start their lives. However, then I would not have the amazing bond with them that I have developed over the past approximately 3 months. I may not have as strong of faith as I do now. I may not know first hand that God is still performing miracles. This journey has not been ideal, but as strange as it sounds I would not trade it for anything. Dave & I will always have this unique experience that has brought us all so close together and shown us how truly strong and feisty someone can be at 1 lb 15 oz and up.

Enough of that mushy stuff :) on another note Emma had her eyes checked again today. I am happy to report that her eyes are starting to heal! She is still ROP stage 2 on the outer portions of her eyes, but on the nasal portions she is down to a stage 1. Praise God, I am so pumped about that! Dr. D actually said she did not have to come back for 2 weeks. But since we are coming back next week anyway for Adalyn he said they might as well check Emma and get the 2 girls on the same schedule.

We are continuing to thicken the girls feedings. It seems to be helping. They are still refluxing and spitting, but it does not seem to be as often or as much. I am happy to report that between the 2 girls there has only been 1 brady alarm in the past 24 hours. So hopefully that trend continues.

Please pray that God continue to heal Emma's eyes. Pray that their reflux continue to improve, that they continue to gain weight well, continue to have few to no alarms so that they can come off their caffeine and their monitors and that GOD continues to protect them from infection.


  1. That is too precious. I am glad to hear your little family is doing well and from the sounds of it, getting bigger everyday. You and weston's sister were due around the same time and she just had our little nephew 2 days ago. And it is true, you would have been GIGANTIC, bcs she was and she only had one baby in her. Well we just wanted to let you know we are keeping you in our prayers.
    karley and weston paul

  2. You sure have two of the sweetest little girls, love seeing pictures of them!! Glad to hear Emma's eyes are improving and will continue to pray for that and their reflux and in general good health for all of you. Blessings & Love, G. Grandma

  3. All looks to be great! Nicki and I miss you guys, and someday, when these little farts get a bit bigger and stronger, we'll have to attend a NICU class reunion. The girls look so cute! We'll keep prayin for you guys. Glad to see you settling in. You guys did such an awesome job in the hospital...a true witness to so many. You'll never know where you're influence ends. Keep your posts comin...we love to check in on our ex-neighbors :)

  4. hi abi,
    you don't know me, but we are related. well, actually you and my husband are. your dad and my husband's dad are cousins. anyways, i have been following your blog since you were pregnant and in the hospital. i got your link from the wiersmas blog. i did not know our family connection until last week and thought i should say hi! we also had preemie twins. i had them at 28w5d. a girl weighing in at 3lbs and a boy weighing in at 2lbs12oz. my daughter spent 6 weeks in the nicu and my son was there for 11 weeks. i know many of the drs. you talk about and all the 'nicu language'. my daughter came home on a monitor and my son came home with oxygen. it seems like yesterday that we were driving up to spectrum every single dad. now they are 9years old now!
    i'll keep praying for your twinners and for you and dave. i remember how exhausted we were those first 6 months!

    beth and jeff maat

  5. So fun to see the pictures and hearing your heart felt words! I so want to see you all and hold those to girls, but we are fighting something over here, so we won't call to schedule anything yet :( The four of you remain in our prayers! Nate had to have his food thickened too. They will grow out of it...someday! :)
    Love you all!
