Sunday, March 21, 2010

Feelin Like A Family

Adalyn left, Emma right

Emma left, Adalyn right

Everything is going really good at the Lamar house. After having the girls home for 9 weeks, Abi and I now have a routine down and even though life is busy we finally are starting to feel like a "normal" family. It is a struggle every day not to take the girls out and show them off but we know that the less they are exposed to the better. The girls seem to now be gaining wait like Dr G. wants them to and yesterday Adalyn weighed 9 lbs 3.5 oz and Emma weighed 8 lbs 4.5 oz. Both girls measured 20 5/8" long. They continue to struggle with their reflux but the thickening/adding cereal has stopped most of their spitting. We now feed the girls every 4 hours at night which means we only have to wake up 1time each night, this has helped Abi and I both get enough sleep and the girls also seem to sleep better and quieter. We have come to realize that we have really good babies, despite all that they have been through they just roll with all of the punches and take every thing in stride, they are rarely fussy, they eat great, sleep great, and are happy babies. Abi and I get frequent smiles and seeing their little faces light-up when we talk to them is the biggest gift GOD has given us yet. While we feed them the girls just study our faces like they are trying to memorize everything. Oh, I almost forgot, both Adalyn's and Emma's eyes are mature!

Please continue to pray that GOD heals their reflux and keeps them and us free from illness and infection. Thank Him for all of our good health so far and our for girls great development. He is in Control.


  1. Thanks for the update and sweet pictures, the girls are just so precious. We are happy to know they both are growing good, time goes fast, before you know it they will be crawling!!!!!! Continuing our prayers for your Family, Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Love, G. Grandma

  2. those pictures gave me chills, to think of how early they were born, how little they were and how well they did and are doing, miricles still happen :) praise God from whom all blessings flow!! mary and harry

  3. The girls are just adorable!! I love seeing pictures of them, and how they are growing. How amazing God is and what miracles the girls are!! You guys have a beautiful family, what a blessing! ashley lamar
