Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lots of firsts!

Things are going well at the Lamar household. Adalyn & Emma are doing great! They are 7 1/2 months old , 4 months corrected. My how time flies. They have not had a developmental assessment recently, but they do tomorrow. Early on is coming tomorrow and I am anxious to hear if she has any concerns about their development. At this point they are expected to meet the milestone for their corrected age. Both girls seem to be meeting all of their 4 month milestones and then some. They both babble all the time, including when they are supposed to be sleeping and eating. They laugh, squeal, and show excitement with their whole body. Both girls will roll from their back onto their side, but not quite over to their bellies yet. They sit up supported, but they need a bit more trunk & neck strength before they will be able to do it on their own. They both really like their hands and have no problems playing with those if their are no toys around. They have not found their feet yet which is surprising since they both have such nice pedicures :) They love to pull, bat & hold the toys hanging from their entertainment mat & try hard to get most things into their mouth. Much to my dismay Adalyn has become quite the cute little thumb sucker. Emma will suck on her hands or fingers but still prefers her pacifier. They still have thickened feedings but in the last month they have started having a baby food vegetable about once a day. Some days they like it better than others. They both have recently gotten over their first colds & ear infections which they both handled like champs. They had some big outings in the last month as well and have been playing with some friends for the first time which they love. Last weekend they had their first weekend at Grandpa & Grandma Maat's and they loved it! Dave & I got to enjoy a weekend in Mackinac which was lovely, but we definitely missed the girls. They are getting big. Yesterday Adalyn was 15lbs 4.5oz (13th percentile), 25 1/4 inches (9th percentile), and Emma was 14lbs 6oz (5th percentile) and 25 inches long (6th percentile). So we are officially on the growth chart for everything! Needless to say for their corrected age they are big...Adalyn is 85th percentile for length & weight and Emma is 80th for length and 70th for weight.


  1. Grams and Gramps DEFINITELY loved having the girls for the weekend!! We will look forward to the next time! So thankful for Adalyn and Emma's continued development!

  2. So good to hear Abi! I love Mackinac! I hope you were rejuvinated. Way to go leaving the girls, I know it's hard to get away without the kiddos. :)

  3. My name is Loran and I just happened on your blog as I web surfed. My husband and welcomed our little girl on May 12th at 24 weeks gestational age. I am glad to see that your beautiful girls are doing so well! I know what you must have gone through (as we are going through it now. Your story is inspirational for us as we continue along a similar path just a few months behind you!
