Friday, October 30, 2009

Additional update for today

To God be all glory and praise!

This morning I was having a little bit of cramping. I had 2 contractions, 1 at 10:30 & 1 at 12:30 and so far none since. I am at e
2.5 grams per hour of Mag & tolerating it better. I am off oxygen, eatting, coherent & relatively alert mag eyes :)

Dr. S came to check me again because he wanted to make sure I was not progressing even though the contractions had slowed. I am elated to report I am dilated to a 2 and 20% effaced! We gained ground. Something none of us expected. Dr. S called me a marvel. Medically who knows why or how that happened, but my faith tells me that is just God in control, as we already knew. Who knows what this will buy us in terms of time, but even if it is a day we are grateful!

Like Dave said, I hate scares like that, but I will take many more if it means we get more time. Amen! What a super man I married! I just love him to pieces :)

So I get semi bathroom priveleges back, and I get to go to intermittent monitoring. I will be staying on labor & delivery for sure through the day.


  1. Hallelujah!!! We are loving this reprieve! We have our Abi back and loving it! You are a tough cookie (not that we didn't know this already - although, you showed us just how tough) - we love you, the twinners and D.
    Mom and grammie!!

  2. Amen..that is great news....char and her newfies plus one

  3. Wow, that is absolutely amazing!!!! God is GOOD!! Prayers can do amazing things!!

  4. Yeeha! from the Kuypers. I am pretty sure those twinners are wrapped in a security blanket of prayer and are getting quite comfortable with it:O)
    Abi, you and Dave are being great parents already. No matter what happens, you have been trusting your children to God. That is the best that good parents can do.

  5. Abi and Dave,
    Welcome to the rollercoaster. You both looked great. So happy and amazed at the progress. What a miracle!
    Happy 24 and 3, almost 24 and 4!!!!!
    Constantly praying for you ALL!

    Kate and Mark

  6. abi! how great is our God!! I am so happy for the update for you guys... keep cooking them twinners... maybe, just maybe I will call you again to serenade you with SHHHILVER bellsh... heart you mamma...keep up the good work,and keep looking up to our heavenly father!!

  7. How great is our God!! What a journey Abi and Dave, but God knew that you knew he couldn't give you more than you can't handle. Thanks so much for the current updates too. It helps me to pray for specific things for you during the day. In my thoughts daily. Hoping and praying for another good night. Chelsea Schipper

  8. Like we said to Jen last nite when she picked up Kennedy, this is truly a miracle. God is in control. Love you guys and keep up the faith. Tom & Elaine

  9. Thanks so much for the AWESOME update Abi! God is so good. We will keep those prayers coming for the babies- and for you two!!!
    The Gerrits'

  10. What great news. I had tears in my eyes reading your post. God is so GOOD! Still praying for all 4 of you.
    Jordan Kleinheksel

  11. God is beyond Great! He has given you another miracle and we are praising His name even more today! We thank Him for protecting all of you for another day!!! Our prayers and love are still with you. I was worried those babes were going to be Halloween babies! Praise the Lord that it doesn't seem like that will happen! Let's pray for Thanksgiving as the next milestone!!!
    Love you all!!!
