Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 11: A day away, sort of.

Emma all sprawled out.

Adalyn all tucked in.

So last night I went up north to get a little hunting done. It was really nice to take a break and get away from the hospital and the worries that have been on my mind for the last couple of weeks. But... this morning as I woke up at 5:20am and put on my hunting gear and walked out to the deer blind, I felt like I was missing something. I enjoyed the fresh air and watching the wildlife, but I couldn't seem to relax. It was hard to get comfortable and I couldn't even concentrate enough to read, that's when I realized I missed ALL my girls.(Really! After only about 12 hours! What is going on!) By the time I got back to the hospital on my way home at 8:00pm I was feeling tired and sore from the drive and the 12 hours in my deer blind, I was even a little crabby. I passed Abi in the hallway as I got up to the NICU and she was on her way to go pump, I was a little short with her but she acted like she didn't notice. As I walked into the nursery I was still crabby, sore, and tired. I went to help out with Emma's care and as I folded back the blanket on top of her crib I just took a moment to admire her, one of my two little miracles. My headache and stiff muscles relaxed and went away, I forgot I was tired, and I was instantly in a good mood. What an amazing thing, just looking at my daughter turned my whole day around. Do we have that affect on GOD? Does GOD really love me as much if not more than I love those girls? I think I'm just starting to understand what an amazing GOD we serve.

Okay, now on to the updates. Both girls are still on the CPAP today and have had a lot less brady's, it really seems to be helping them. They both have been on room air with the CPAP since late last night.(another good sign) The nurse said "It kind of depends on the doctor, but if they have another day tomorrow like the one they had today they could possibly come off again for a few days." So far both girls have been tolerating the CPAP really well and they don't seem to be uncomfortable. Adalyn gained 2 ounces since last night and is weighing 1 pound 15 ounces!(Back up to birth weight!) Emma still has the lead in the weight department with her astounding 2 pounds 1 ounce. Emma's heart echo results came back this evening and the doctors say her PDA is minuscule! For now they are going to stop the medicine and just keep a close eye on her, they think it will close the rest of the way on its own.

Please continue to pray that both girl's PDAs stay closed and that they continue to stay comfortable while they are on the CPAP. Also, thank GOD for Emma's good news and for both of the girl's weight gain.


  1. Okay, now that everyone is wondering why this woman is crying - I'm reading this while at Bigby. God's love is amazing...this journey has deepened my understanding of Him too. We missed you at lunch today...
    grammie pam

  2. Paul could relate to the deer hunting story and I could relate to his grumpiness.......Haha......however I can't even imagine what it is like to have gone thru all you have gone thru and what true sense of joy it must be to see your little girls. I love seeing the pictures and reading the updates. I too have a deeper emotion for His awsome love and isn't imazing the impact He is making thru the lives of these beautiful miracles. Continued prayers for their little bodies and giving Him the glory for how far they have come so far. Prayers too for their mommy and daddy.. Sending our love from SD......Janice Hettinger

  3. What a Mighty God we serve, He knows our needs before we even know we have concerns. Dave & Abi now you know how us as your parents love you! The grandchildren have the same affect on us too. I am so proud of you all.
    Blessing upon blessings.
    love you all.

  4. What a wonderful God we have....

  5. thankful for the wt gain of the girls,thankful for minimal pain that abi has,thankful for a day for dave in nature,thankful for cpap machines so the girls can have a "rest", thankful for our Father's love and that you and abi are now feeling that strong love for your own children!! remembering your whole family in prayer, mary and harry

  6. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
    Welcome to the joy and wonder of parenthood, the knowledge of incredibly deep and unconditional love...yet we probably come only to within a fraction of understanding God's love for us...for those precious twinners!

  7. What miricles you are experiencing every day with your little girls! So glad to hear the good news! Keeping you all in my prayers!
