Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 6: Kangaroo Care!

Daddy and Emma

Mommy and Adalyn

Another day for good news, Praise GOD! The results are back from both the brain ultrasounds and the heart echos. Both girl's brain scans showed no bleeding and "look to be normal premature brains." Awesome. Adalyn's heart echo showed that her PDA was closed and that is good news, they will recheck her in a couple weeks just to make sure it stays closed. Emma's showed that hers was open so they started her on medicine that will hopefully close it. The medicine is a 3 day "course" and they say that 80% of babies have their PDA close after 2 courses. If it doesn't close they go in and close it at the bedside in a 45 minute surgery that they say is as routine as any heart surgery on a premature baby can be. We hope this doesn't have to happen but we will continue to trust in GOD.

So today Abi and I had the awesome opportunity to hold Emma and Adalyn skin to skin to our chests in what they call Kangaroo Care. They place the diapered baby to our bare chest and we just relax for 1-2 hours, it was another moment we will forever remember.(I may have cried for the first 2 minutes.) Studies show that this increases weight gain, regulates their heart and breathing rates, they will spend more time in sleep, spend more time being quiet and alert and less time crying, maintain their body warmth, and have a better chance of successful breast-feeding. They both were so calm and relaxed and seemed to enjoy it as much as we did!

Dear LORD,
Please continue to hold Adalyn and Emma in Your hands, watch over them and protect them from sickness and harm. Thank you for the many blessings you have already shown us and the many wonders you are working in our little girls. Also LORD, please watch over Max as he has had a "roller coaster day", continue to protect and heal your little son and allow him to go home with his parents.

In Jesus Christ Name: AMEN


  1. Our God is amazing! Just looking at the pictures of you holding the twins made me cry. To think that they are still supposed to be growing INSIDE of you Abi, and they are doing so well only by the grace of God! We'll keep praying that they stay strong and healthy!
    --Toni Bulthuis

  2. Okay I need a tissue!!! Amazing to see those little ones in your arms. Abi, your mom brought one of their diapers into work tonight along with many photos, I just can't believe they come that small. Praise God for great results today and pray that the meds may help Emma's Heart so no surgery may be needed.

  3. Pam Dreyer says that she watched Grey's Anatomy last week Thursday and one of the doctors held a premature baby "kangaroo" style. How crazy is that. We just love seeing you hold those beautiful little girls. Abi, you are looking great...oh yeah, you are looking great too Dave...your chest at least! haha! So thankful that the tests came back good for Adalyn. We will pray that the medication works well for Emma. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. God is so amazing...such a wonderful God. Thanks for taking the time keeping us all updated! Take care. Love the Dreyers (Doug, Pam, Heather, Hilarie and Mitch)

  4. Probably the bestest pictures yet! Tears again...but that absolutely okay...I so echo your prayers! Go Adalyn and Emma!
    Grandma love you...

  5. Dave & Abi,
    What a blessing to see you holding the girls, it brings tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
    Sunday we sang because he lives.
    Dad and I both could not help but think of you all.

    Because He Lives

    1. God sent His Son - they called Him Jesus,
    He came to love, heal and forgive;
    He lived and died to buy my pardon,
    An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.

    Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
    Because He lives all fear is gone;
    Because I know He holds the future
    And life is worth the living just because He lives.

    2. How sweet to hold a newborn baby
    And feel the pride and joy he gives;
    But greater still the calm assurance:
    This child can face uncertain days because Christ lives!

    love you all!
    "gram and gramps"

  6. For once in my life, I am at a loss for words. These pictures and your words are amazing. Tears of joy are flowing. Prayers and love sent!

  7. Wow! What a great way to start our day, seeing the four of you together that way. Beautiful!! The kids and I check your blog every day to see how your all doing and so we know what to pray for. We will continue to pray for peace and healing. We love you lots, Tammy & kids

  8. Hey Ab & Dave (& Adalyn & Emma),the pictures are great. Looks like you had a really sweet time together. Thanking God for continued progress. Praying for another good day today.
    Love You All Lots!!! Dad/Grandpa

  9. Congratulations you two! Your little girls just amaze me, but I also never doubt the power of our God. Many, many prayers are being said over here, in fact, Savannah's prayer every night includes your twins. Praise God!

  10. Hey there, I've been following your blog and thinking of you all often. I wish all the best for your beautiful family. May peace, wisdom and love be with you.
    --Kelly Hunt

  11. Oh goodness.. here I sit at work crying... lol its okay though thats sooo awesome guys! I'm joyful that you got to have that very precious time with them! hugs to you both!
    Tammy Zeerip

  12. Lamar Family -
    When I look at your pictures and read your blog, my heart and my eyes well up with thankfulness to God!! What more can I say?!!!

  13. Abi-
    Bridget Rozeboom and Zoey Frye from your GEMS group say hello! We are praying for you over here at Rose Park. These pictures are Fantastic! God is so good!

  14. They are so adorable! Prayers are being sent your way for continued good news!

  15. Dave and Abi,
    I've been following your blog and it is so great to see how the girls are progressing,it is so awesome to see the pictures of you guys holding them,God is GOOD and we cotinue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
