Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 70: Swing...and a miss

As some of you know Dave & I were supposed to take Adalyn home yesterday. We never said a specific day on the blog because the world of premies can change at any moment. Adalyn was definitely the one running the show yesterday. In the morning she was spitting up a lot and a couple of the events lead to alarms and one needed suctioning. So the doctors re-evaluated whether or not she was ready to leave. The consensus was made to have Dave & I room in with Adalyn last night and regroup in the morning after we saw how the night went. Well the night went great, both Dave & I enjoyed hearing her coo, grunt, cry etc. She did have some spit ups, but nothing major. This morning Dr. B (who tends to be a little more on the conservative side) said that all the neonatologists agreed that Adalyn should stay til at least Friday and see how she does. The other glitch is that she lost some more weight. So Adalyn is staying in the NICU with her sister & only God knows when she will be ready to come home. Dave & I are bummed, but greatful at the same time. We believe that Adalyn had this event for a reason. Maybe because God knew it was not time for her to come home yet & if she had something bad would have happened. Maybe it was to better prepare Dave & I for what could happen at home. Maybe it is that Miss Adalyn was not ready to leave her sister.

We will post a little more extensive update later on both girls. Emma is doing well & is taking about 50% of her feedings by bottle and loving it.

Please pray that God heal both girls reflux. That He prepare them for home. That he continue to help them grow, develop and progress in the right direction. And please pray that God help Dave & I be accepting of whatever happens, that He keep us positive, and help us not to get worn down.

God is in control!


  1. Hi Dave and Abi, Sorry to hear that Adalyn didn't get to come home yesterday! So many maybe's...but glad to know that God knows all about it. You guys have a great perspective which can be hard to have sometimes. Hang in there! It sounds like it won't be long before your girls will be able to come home! Keeping you in our prayers...the Dreyer's

  2. I'm sure you've heard that there is a saying in the NICU . . . Don't tell the babies they are going home until you have them strapped in the car-seat! They always find a way to change the plans! ;-)

    Miss Adalyn will come home when she's good and ready. . . . good luck with her as a toddler. And hang in there! You two are doing great!

  3. Dear Abi, Dave & Sweet Little Ones ~
    This is my first comment on your blog because news apparently travels slowly to my home in sunny South Florida. My mom told me about the twins a few weeks ago and your new family has been in my thoughts and prayers daily. My mom then told me about your blog (thanks to Mr. Maat) where I can now put the two beautiful faces of Emma and Adalyn to those thoughts and prayers. I am so excited for you both!!! Congratulations!!! They are absolutely adorable! I look forward to following your blog & would love to see you/meet the girls on my next trip home this summer. God works in miraculous ways! "The word of the Lord holds true, and we CAN TRUST everything He does." (Psa.33:4).
    I wish you all the best in the future God holds for you!
    Hugs & Prayers ~ Jenn Koning (Zwiers)

    A smile for Abi: In spelling your name & mine in this post, do you remember when we sat in high school study hall & decided to change the way we spelled our names? (-: They both stuck after all this time. (-:
