Sunday, November 1, 2009

24 weeks 5 days

Yesterday evening I started to notice more contractions and uterine irritability. At midnight my nurse put me on the monitor & the irritability as well as some regular contractions were showing up on the monitor. So the doctors turned my Mag up to 3 grams an hour. At midnight my cervix was dilated to a 3-4, 60% effaced, & they were able to feel the bag of water bulging into my cervix. At about 5am I was the same except I was dilated to a 4. Around 8 this morning Dr. S checked me and said I am the same except dilated to a 3. The contractions and irritability have calmed down so they have turned my mag down to 2.5 grams an hour. Needless to say I am not feeling too hot again. Better than thursday, but not great. So they are going to keep me on the 2.5 of mag and recheck me later if I continue to have irritability and contractions.

Again we are thankful for each day God blesses us with. We just ask again that you pray for strength & health for the twinners for whenever God has planned for them to be born. Thank you for the continuing prayers and support!


  1. hi ab and dave, another day! you are doing all you can and sounds like the drs are doing all they can, it's just all in God's hands and in His plan, we wait and pray......

  2. Hey Guys!!

    These two little people are going to have quite a following when they do decide to make their grand apperance!!!! I just can't tell you how much love you guys have around you. There are people in the ER who "have a friend, who knows a girl who is in Spectrum pregnant with twins that are only 24 weeks along..." SO many people are praying for all 4 of you. Gods love is so good!!

    So many prayers are going out! I'm praying for your body to rest and relax, I'm praying for more time for those little peanuts to grow strong, but most of all I am praying for Gods will to be done. That is the only plan that is really going to work out so we will trust in him and follow his lead!!!

    We love you guys and you are on our minds constantly!! God bless you!!

    Nate, Kristi, Austin and Weston

  3. Abi and Dave, you are doing so well....maybe it was too much excitement being Halloween was last night....for those little ones... rest and think positive thoughts...Prayers are with you ya, char and the newfies

  4. Abi, SO many are praying for you that you'll never even meet!! Isn't God's kingdom an amazing place? Even my mother-in-law out in California asks daily for an update. :) It just occured to me to direct her to the blog.

    Heavenly Father, keep these kiddos safe. Strengthen Abi's uterus and cervix. You have an amazing testimony that their lives are going to give, and I thank you so much for the way they're ALREADY impacting our lives. I boldly ask that you not just give them one more day, but another month...and the another...and then another. Thank you for the miracles that we don't even remember to give you credit for. Thank you for Abi and Dave's faith that glorifies you and the amazing things you do for us! ~Amen

  5. What a rollercoaster! Thinking and praying for you guys!
